BlogApp v1.3.2 (download)
BlogApp is a Mac OS X (Jaguar Compatible only) shareware application ($6) that allows users to easily post to their weblog. No features are disabled for non registered users, but there is an insignificant dialog that occasionally reminds users that BlogApp isn’t free — in short, this is not crippled-ware. A couple of the most widely used weblog engines include Blogger, B2, and WordPress. It has unprecedented features compared to other weblog poster applications. It was designed to function on Mac OS X v10.2 or higher. It’s Objective Labs’s answer to BlogBuddy if your a PC person looking for a similar solution.
- 10.2.6 Compatible.
- Auto convert line breaks to <br />
- Drupal Support
- New title window which wraps a tag around your title post or if your using B2, correctly sends it in the title field.
- Errors now log to console
- Numerous interface improvements.
- Quick HTML tag insert buttons that smartly insert tags where the cursor is, or around the selected text. (with command key shortcuts)
- User editable drop-down list of HTML tags that is very Customizable.
- Store Post. Can be used to store a post in progress, or as a default template for all of your posts. Great for B2 users or folks who like to add post headings to there blogger powered sites.
- Delete recent posts
- The first 4 words of a post are now displayed along with the post number in the edit recent post and delete recent post dialogs. This was a popular request.
- Spell Checking settings now remembered (if you want).
- Spell Checking.
- Edit recent posts (up to the last 20).
- Handy Edit Last Post.
- Contextual Menu support.
- Multiple Undo’s.
- Drag and Drop text area.
- Manage Multiple Blogs, easily.
- Option to automatically “Ping” .
- Edit main template.
- Edit archive template.
- Option to automatically launch browser and visit weblog after post and publish.
- Will speak your post back to you if you like.
- Compatible with Blogger as well as any other service that supports the Blogger API. I Including Manilla, B2, and Live Journal to name a few.
- Don’t forget Mac OS X ease of use.

System Requirements
A Macintosh running a minimum of Mac OS X v10.2 or higher. BlogApp will not function on previous version of Mac OS because if it’s use of advanced XML-RPC and the AppleScript Studio developer environment.